Upstream Songs

Listen to the songs of Upstream,
an entertaining way to uplift
your knowledge!

  Beginner A1+ | Elementary A2 | Pre-Intermediate B1 | Intermediate B1+

Songsheet 1 - Songsheet 2 - Songsheet 3 - Songsheet 4 - Songsheet 5


Songsheet 1

Character Comes From the Heart


I once met a beautiful lady
Her hair was as black as the night
Her eyes were as blue as the summer sky
She was such a wonderful sight
But then, as I got to know her
I was unhappy to find
That although she was so beautiful
She could also be rude and unkind


Don´t judge a book by its cover
That´s not the most important part
For beauty is only skin deep, you know
But character comes from the heart


I´m glad to say I learned my lesson
And now, when I meet someone new
I never judge them by appearances
For that´s not the right thing to do
If they are friendly and honest
Who cares if they´re handsome or tall?
If their heart is fair and good
Their looks shouldn´t matter at all
