Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image

Upstream Series

About the Upstream Course

Upstream Beginner A1+ to Intermediate B1+ are complete courses for learners studying English from Beginner to Intermediate levels. They aim at the development of all four skills through a variety of communicative tasks, while allowing for a flexibility of approach which make them suitable for all classes, including large or mixed-ability groups. The key language is regularly recycled, achieving active, holistic and humanistic learning. Their syllabi reflect the guidelines of the Council of Europe Framework.


Key Features Include:

1. Theme-based units from a wide variety of authentic sources in five modules.

2. Systematic development of all four language skills through realistic, challenging tasks which encourage learners’ personal engagement.

3. The target vocabulary of each unit is presented in a meaningful context, using visual/auditory aids, and is activated and extended throughout the unit.

4. Variety of authentic, appealing, informative texts and natural everyday dialogues, which constitute a wide range of text types.

5. Exploring Grammar: Students are allowed to explore the new structures, find examples and complete the rules themselves, so that new information can be anchored in their long-term memory. Students extend their grasp of grammar functions through a range of structured tasks.

6. Study Skills tips promoting students’ autonomy and independence.

7. Everyday English sections: these enable students to practise real-life communication strategies. Functional structures associated with realistic situations are practised in wide variety of communicative tasks.

8. Literature extracts provide students with the opportunity to enjoy literature in authentic form.

9. The writing sections have been carefully designed to ensure that students develop their writing skills in a systematic manner.

10. Culture Clips: students have the opportunity to read short texts about aspects of life in English-speaking countries. These texts also act as a springboard to promote cultural individuality.

11. Curricular Cuts/Across the Curriculum sections: Students use the English language as a tool for exploring interdisciplinary themes such as Science, Art & Design, History and others.

12. Eco-Friends sections: they are designed to broaden students’ understanding of environmental issues and provide them with the opportunity to use their language skills in order to learn, read and talk about ecological matters.

13. Variety of songs, help teach concepts and skills, develop language patterns and create a pleasant atmosphere in the classroom.

14. The Workbook is specifically designed to extend and consolidate learning through a wide variety of tasks. The Grammar in Use section in the Workbook fully exploits all the grammatical phenomena of the corresponding units in the Student’s Book. In addition, through the Reader’s Corner, the students are exposed to interesting multicultural and cross-curricular pieces of writing with the aim of broadening their horizons and providing insight into other traditions and customs.

15. My Language Portfolio contains documentation and suggestions to enable students to build a personal Language Portfolio.

16. The DVD along with the DVD Activity Book constitute a short listening and speaking course for the learners. Through these they review and consolidate the material taught in the coursebook and enhance their grasp of everyday conversational English.

17. The fully interactive CD ROM is based on the material presented in the coursebook. Using state-of-the-art visual, sound and graphic effects, the engaging, interactive tasks and games provide fully autonomous practice and consolidation of learning in all four skills.


  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  Student’s Book
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  Teacher’s Book (interleaved)
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  Workbook Student’s
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  Workbook Teacher’s (overprinted)
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  Class Audio CDs
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  Student’s Audio CD
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  Test Booklet
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  My Language Portfolio
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  DVD
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  DVD Activity Book
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  CD ROM
  • Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Upstream Series Image  Interactive Whiteboard Software

Browse the Upstream Series in our Catalogue here!
