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EP Contest 2023: Our Future, Our School!
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EP Contest 2023: Our Future, Our School!

Interactive whiteboards, hybrid courses, STEAM… schools are already changing and we are curious to see how they will have evolved by 2050!

This is why we have set up a challenge: what will our schools be like in 2050?

Ask your students to brainstorm on how schools will change and challenge them to put their ideas on paper.

Students can come up with any kind of drawing and accompany it with a short text of up to 150 words to show how their classrooms, schools, and learning experience will evolve in the coming decades.

12 entries will be selected to be showcased on our 2024 calendar, plus each of the winners will receive a €50 Amazon card!

Our Future, Our School: Steps

1. Have your students brainstorm on how they imagine schools will be like in 2050!
2. Use our lesson plan or simply hand out our Submission Form.
3. Gather your students’ drawings, scan them, and send them to along with their names, age and country of residence by April 30.
4. We will review all entries and mark them according to our criteria. On May 15, we will announce the 12 winners!

See the marking criteria, here.

If you are interested in documenting the process, We will be happy to see it! Tag us on our social media (@expresspublishing) and share your photos with our community! Remember to use the hashtag #OurFutureOurSchool !

Need help setting the contest up in your class? Use our lesson plan!

Click to see the terms and conditions.

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