Terms & Conditions

This document, as well as any other document mentioned herein, constitutes the legal text of the terms for the use of this webpage, along with the services offered hereby, concerning the purchase of products available through our e-shop.

Company Identity

The webpage expresspublishing.co.uk is the e-shop of ‘Express Publishing PLC’, whose offices are at Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire, RG19 6HW, phone number (0044) 1635 817 463, email inquiries@expresspublishing.co.uk

Throughout its long presence in the field of education, Express Publishing has provided high-quality teaching material and has created this webpage in order to keep its clients informed and enable them to make distance purchases, in accordance with the terms stated below.

Acceptance of Terms

Express Publishing, which is the legitimate and sole owner of this site, grants its users the limited, non-transferable and personal right to access and use its content in accordance with the specific terms and conditions of use stated on the site, as well as any law applicable in this case.

By using this site, you are automatically bound by these terms and conditions, which create a binding contract between you and Express Publishing, on the basis of which, you are only allowed the use of this site. Specifically, users are allowed to view, print and download material from this site for personal, non-commercial or educational use (only within a classroom) on the condition that they do not alter, remove or modify any registered trademark, copyright or any other property right included, or generally anything relating to copyright protection, and no other use, reproduction, public display or distribution for any commercial or public purpose is permitted.

Agreement of Purchase

None of the information or details presented on this website constitutes a recommendation to buy by the company, but is provided for informative purposes for the users of this website, as well as the company’s clients.

The agreement to purchase through this website will be considered concluded only after the completion of your order, the approval of payment, and on condition that the company accepts the order, about which you will be notified via an e-mail that will confirm the purchase and shipment of the products.

The aforementioned agreement of distance purchase is governed by Greek Law No 2251/1994, as amended and supplemented. By making use of this website, and by placing your orders for the company’s products, you confirm that you are above 18 years of age and fully eligible to make legal transactions and assume responsibility for financial matters. If that is not the case, the orders placed through this webpage will not be valid, nor will the company be responsible for fulfilling these orders, unless they are placed by the minor’s guardian.

Availability of Products

All the orders placed through this website are subject to the availability of the products at that specific time. The company makes every effort to keep you informed about the availability of products, and will immediately inform you, upon receipt of your order, if the products you have ordered are not available.

Execution of Orders

After browsing the website and choosing the products you are interested in by clicking on the ‘Add to Cart’ button, you will be asked to proceed by completing and confirming your order by following the steps below:

1. Approve the products ordered (main characteristics, price, quantity, discount if any, etc.)

2. Fill in a form with personal details (full name, business address, etc.)

3. Select a payment method.

4. Select a shipping method (information will be provided about the cost of delivery).

5. Provide the details necessary for you to pay for your order, according to the manner of payment you selected in step 3.

6. Unconditional acceptance of the terms of the sales agreement and website use, along with definitive confirmation of the order and acceptance of the obligation for payment of this order by selecting ‘ACCEPT’, when asked to do so.

As soon as your order has been completed, in accordance with the above, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from the company, in which the details of your order, the payment and shipping method, as well as additional information will be clearly stated.

The company reserves its right to reject any order, to withdraw or modify any product presented on this website or state that is unable to process this order for any reason. In the above cases, and on condition that full or part payment has been made, the company will fully refund the paid sum of money.

Prices and Payment Modes

The price of each product is that presented on this website each time. These prices include VAT but not delivery costs, which, as stated in the step ‘Delivery costs’, will be added to the total payable sum upon the completion of your order, and immediately before the definitive placement of your order.

Our prices are subject to change at the company’s discretion, but no confirmed order will be affected.

Our e-shop supports the following methods of payment:


The charge on your credit card is made through Eurobank Security Systems (SSL 128 bit encryption).

During your purchase, you will be transferred to the Eurobank secure page to complete your purchase, so that no sensitive personal data and credit card details are stored in Express Publishing’s system.

2. PayPal

PayPal allows you to make your online payments quickly and securely using a credit card or a PayPal account. When choosing PayPal as your payment method, you are automatically transferred to the PayPal website where you can complete your payment.

PayPal guarantees the maximum security of your transactions, and your credit card is charged through the PayPal Security Systems so that no sensitive personal data and credit card details are stored in Express Publishing’s system. For more information visit the PayPal website.

3. Bank Transfer

For payments via bank transfer, please deposit the ‘Grand Total’ of your purchases in the following bank account:

Swift Address: COBADEFFXXX
Account Number (IBAN): DE76500400000650260300

NOTE: Once you have deposited the amount, please email finance@expresspublishing.co.uk a copy of your deposit slip, in order to accelerate the process of receiving your order. You will receive an email from us confirming that we have received your payment and that your order is being processed.

Display and exchange rates of multiple currencies

Purchases through our store are charged in euro (€).

1. Our e-shop provides you with the option of viewing our products and your orders in other currencies, such as dollars ($) or pounds sterling (£), but you will be charged exclusively in euro (€). This is why, even if you have selected a different currency, the amount you will be charged will be converted to euro (€) in your shopping basket at the final step of the purchasing process.

2. Exchange rates are updated daily, at the start of the day. There may be a slight difference between the final amount charged by our store and the actual amount charged by your bank. This is due to changes in rates from the moment the order is placed until the bank withdraws the payment from your account. Our store is in no way responsible for such a difference as we can neither predict nor control the fluctuation of exchange rates.

3. Your bank may charge a small commission for the currency conversion, as the final purchase must be completed in euro (€), a transaction which you are explicitly agreeing to upon finalising and submitting your order.

Transaction Safety

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the standard internet security technology globally.

SSL technology is used to encrypt and protect data transmitted over the Internet supporting HTTP protocol. SSL ensures our eshop users’ access to a valid, "non-fake" site, and prevents data interception or personal data falsification. SSL protocol is supported by all major operating systems, internet applications and server hardware of our eshop as well as EUROBANK. The VeriSign SSL certificates ensure the protection of sensitive data transmitted between servers.

In more detail, our eshop uses SSL protocol with 128-bit encryption (currently the most powerful) for secure online trading. In this way, all your personal data, including credit card number, name and address, is encrypted so that it cannot be read or altered during their transmission over the internet. SSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer) is the new global standard that ensures website verification and data encryption between web users and web servers.

SSL-encrypted transaction demand that all data sent between a client and a server be encrypted by the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, protecting personal data during transmission. In addition, all data sent by SSL protocol is protected by a mechanism which automatically verifies whether the data has been altered during transmission. The secure transaction system of our eshop is certified by VeriSign.

Defective Products

In case a defective product is delivered to you, you can immediately contact the company to state the reason why you consider this product defective, and to give a comprehensive description of the defective product. The company will give you directions as to how to return the defective product, which, after being received by the company, will be thoroughly examined so that its defectiveness can be established. Then, and after the establishment, or not, of the defect, you will be informed by the company of a possible replacement of the product, or a full refund of the paid sum of money, as well as any additional charges (delivery costs, etc). A possible refund of money will take place as early as possible, and in the same mode as that of payment; in any case, it will occur within 30 calendar days after the company has confirmed that you are eligible for a refund.

Return Policy

The right of withdrawal

According to the standing provisions, the client is eligible to withdraw from the sale agreement (with the exception of the cases mentioned below), within 14 calendar days after the next day on which either you or a third party, indicated by you and, other than the haulier, have obtained the products.

You can exercise the right of withdrawal making use of any legal means. In any case, you will be considered to have exercised the abovementioned right of withdrawal if you send us the return form provided on our webpage (click on HERE) or if we receive any other clear statement from you in other modes (by post, electronically, etc.), with regard to your decision to withdraw from the agreement.

Immediately after the exercise of the aforementioned right of withdrawal, the client is obliged to return the products without undue delay, and, in any case, within 14 calendar days from the date we were informed of your statement about the exercise of the right of withdrawal, and also to inform the company through the contact form provided on our webpage, or in any other convenient way.

In case of a rightful withdrawal, you will be refunded the paid sum of money for the products. The shipping costs are non-refundable. The immediate costs incurred by the return of the products will be chargeable to you. As soon as the products are received, and after the company ascertains that they are in an appropriate condition, according to the clauses of this article, the company will, without delay, pay the full refund of the paid sum of money, using the same means of payment originally used by the client. It should be noted that the company is eligible to delay the refund of money until we receive the products, or until you give proof that you have returned them, whichever occurs first.

You are only responsible for any depreciation of the products due to unnecessary handling, in order to define the nature, the features and function of the products.

Return Form


You are not eligible to withdraw from the agreement if this agreement concerns the purchase of any one of the products undermentioned:

  •  Products tailor-made to the client’s needs.
  • CDs/DVDs without their original packaging.
  • Digital material not provided by any other physical means.

You are eligible to withdraw from an agreement only on condition that the products are returned in the same condition as you received them, without any damage to their original packaging or their content.

In case of the return of a product, you are obliged to return it in its original packaging, accompanied by all its components.

It should be noted that no return will be accepted, and no paid sum of money will be refunded if the product has been utilized or damaged.

Warranties - Liabilities

The company’s liability regarding the purchase of any product through this webpage is limited to the price of the product, unless otherwise specified by the terms of usage herein, or the law.

Express Publishing strives to ensure that all information on this website is accurate, available on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind and additionally no warranty declared or undeclared is given that the content of this website is correct, complete or current. Express Publishing does not provide any guarantee that the website or computer network service is free of viruses or other harmful computer codes and types and declares that the use of this website is made at the sole responsibility of its users.

Furthermore, Express Publishing bears no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in this website and itself, its employees or anyone lawfully representing it will not be liable for any kind of injury, accidental, consequential, direct or indirect, special damages, costs or penalties including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of customers, loss or damage to property, loss of information or data or any other claims which may arise from the use, copying, presentation of this site or its contents and any other site further related to it.

Intellectual Property Rights

The entire material on this website, including texts, graphics, options and settings are (unless stated otherwise) under the sole right of its creator, Express Publishing, under its exclusive property and for which the Company reserves every right. Any text, shape or image bearing the symbols of the company or its name, which are trademarks protected by Greek and EU law, or any other trademark, is used on the condition of a relevant license, granted by Express Publishing.

Content of Third-Parties Pages

Express Publishing provides links to other sites in good faith and solely for informational purposes. Express Publishing bears no responsibility for the material and content of any site linked to its website. These links are provided "as is" without any declared or undeclared warranty, regarding the information provided by them.

Furthermore, with reference to the possibility of allowing website users to publish their own material in some parts, it is explicitly stated by Express Publishing that it bears no responsibility for material published by its users and such material does not necessarily reflect its views. Publication of material on this site means that users have all the necessary rights to manage this material and that this material will not be defamatory, unlawful, threatening, obscene or otherwise objectionable. Express Publishing has the absolute right to revise, amend, correct or delete any material published by users of the website.


Any notification, consent, approval, information or other announcement, which is necessary for the use of this webpage, or for the conclusion of a purchase agreement, should be made in writing and delivered in person (accompanied by a receipt signed by a duly authorized employee of the company), or should be sent by registered post, by facsimile or teleprinter and, when sent by registered post, the receipt of the letter should be duly acknowledged by the contracting party within 10 days from the posting day, or should be sent though the contact form offered on the webpage, or by e-mail, in which case it will be considered that the e-mail will have been received by the company 24 hours after it has been sent.

By using this webpage, you agree that the communication and exchange of any information, regarding the use of the website or the purchase of our products, can be conducted through electronic messages, without this constituting a violation of your rights.


The purchase agreement concluded through this webpage is binding for both parties. The client must not transfer or, in any other way, allocate any interest, benefit or obligation, according to the purchase agreement, without the prior written consent of the company. The company reserves its right to transfer, allocate, subcontract or in any other way allot an agreement, or any one of its rights or obligations derived from this agreement, at any time during the validity period of it, without this, in any way, infringing on the client’s legal rights.

Force Majeure

The company is not held accountable to its clients if a delay or failure to execute an order occurs, as long as they are due to force majeure, which includes, and is not limited to, fire, war, boycott, strikes or other labour problems, governmental regulations or actions, or any other reason beyond the company’s control. If such a delay or failure, due to force majeure, continues for a period of over 6 months, each of the contracting parties has the right to rescind this agreement immediately, after written notification to the other contracting party.


The company’s inability to demand the fulfilment of any of the clauses of this document, or any purchase agreement, or to exercise any of its rights derived from this, does not constitute renunciation or reservation of its right to do so on any other subsequent date. Moreover, such a renunciation of any right should not function as a renunciation of any subsequent violation, and no right, power or legal means being transferred or reserved by the company excludes any other right, power or legal means.


Express Publishing reserves the right to modulate, delete, replace, modify and generally alter the terms of use of this site without warning or portending whenever considered necessary. Any such changes and variations will be deemed to be fully accepted by users of the website simply by either its use after posting the new or differentiated terms or their release to the public by any means. The abovementioned right to change, modify, add or delete the terms of use as well as the function of this website is not subject to any limitation whatsoever, time-related or otherwise, and any such exercise of right cannot be considered to give rise to any right to damages against Express Publishing.

Total agreement – Validity

The present terms, and every document referring to them, constitute the total agreement between the contracting parties, which prevails over any previous agreements, negotiations and commitments. In case any of the clauses of the present document is, or is considered to be, invalid or not applicable, according to valid laws or regulations, all the other clauses of the present terms retain their validity.

Applicable law – Jurisdiction

The use of the webpage, as well as the clauses or purchase agreements concluded through this webpage, are subject to, and interpreted according to Greek law, and any disagreement which should arise from, or concerns, the use of this webpage and the aforementioned agreements are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Greek law courts in Athens.

Comments – Communication

Any comments and remarks from our clients are dealt with particularly carefully by our company and they are invaluable to the improvement of the quality of the services we offer. You are kindly requested to use the electronic contact form provided on this webpage for any issue that you would like to communicate to us.

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