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4Minds: Learning for the Real World

4Minds, the new course book for CEFR Levels A1-C1/C2, fosters learning for the real world. But what does that mean for the ESL class and how is this evident in the book?

The series promotes an inclusive use of language with Mediation tasks and encourages experiential and holistic learning with STEAM activities. Creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking are at the forefront of the series, and the theme-related grammar and writing videos provide a multimodal learning experience!
Let’s delve into the series’ most important sections:

Mediation & ICT

Mediation is a fundamental part of the 4Minds series. The books include tasks that promote an inclusive use of the language, focusing on cultivating efficient communication

Student's Book p. 72

Click here to learn how we integrated mediation tasks in the book!

The ICT tasks help students develop their research skills and serve as a means of mediation. They aim to develop interaction and collaboration with other cultures which is important in modern language teaching.

Student's Book p. 72


In 4Minds, all ten units have their very own CLIL section!
From Maths and Science to Literature and Citizenship, the variety of topics covered helps students contextualise the language they have learnt by relating it to their own personal frame of reference.


Each unit offers theme-related reading passages, supplemented by creative tasks, which stimulate students and reinforce their language skills.


STEAM-based learning encourages teachers to step into their students’ shoes and play the role of the explorer. Worry not! You don’t have to be a STEAM expert to implement it in your lesson,  you just need to be an enthusiastic teacher who loves experimenting. Ten stimulating STEAM units have been designed based on the book’s units, aiming to encourage students (and teachers!) to challenge themselves and spark their curiosity about the world around us!

Workbook & Grammar Book | STEAM 26


Is there a better way to consolidate the grammar and vocabulary taught, than expressing your views on real-life matters? Each unit contains a Culture snippet, thematically linked to the unit. 

Student's Book p. 71 - The Culture snippets provide students cultural information about aspects of English-speaking countries.

Students process the information they have learnt and, then, are encouraged to present their views on varied topics concerning family, education, environment, animals, and more, cultivating their thinking skills.

Student's Book p. 64 - These sections are included in every unit to prompt interesting discussions.

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